Thursday, October 27, 2011

Twitter & Such

I have this new found interest in social media. I used to consider myself tech savvy. To say that now, would be a complete fallacy. That being said, you have to give a girl credit for trying, right?! I've been fiddling with this new thing called 'twitterfeed'...if it works the way it should, when I publish this blog post, my twitter and Facebook should automatically update with a link. I'm not overly optimistic...

Thursday Blonde Joke: A blonde woman gets in an elevator. She says to the man in the elevator "TGIF!!" in a very excited manner. The man looks at her for a minute, and then replys "s.h.i.T." Stunned at his rudeness, the blonde repeats herself, this time saying "TGIF, thank goodness it's Friday!" the elevator comes to a stop, the man looks at her and repeats himself as well "s.h.i.T...Sorry hunny, it's Thursday" :-)

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