Matt and I recently decided to take up golf, and I have to say I love it! Now don’t get the wrong idea, I’m no Tiger Woods. In fact, I would actually say I’m pretty bad at the game; but that’s OK, I don’t care. Sometimes I can hit the ball pretty straight and far, other times I hit the ball and it bounces off the tree in front of me and rolls further away from the hole then when I started… but either way, there is something about golf that I just really enjoy!
Matt and I both decided to learn to play together, and I have to say it’s been a lot of fun for us. We even recently played a round with ‘the dad’s’ which was a good time! I love that we can go out in the evenings, or on a Saturday and just spend time together, doing something fun. I also really like that golf forces me to focus on the game, and takes my mind off the other stressors in my life. You can’t worry about dirty laundry when you are swinging the golf club.
Oh, and did I mention that I had to buy new golf clothes, shoes and a bag? Drats! ( I bought some used clubs from a family friend to save money just in case we didn’t stick with it, but I love those too!)
Here are a couple pictures from our recent golf adventures…