Monday, September 10, 2012

Boots & Booties

Saw this idea online, and tweaked it to make it a little more personalized to us!

Ps. My grandma made these booties for us. We also have a matching hat and mittens <3

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Anniversary – Our First Year

This past weekend, Matt and I celebrated our first anniversary. We decided to get away for a quiet weekend, so we headed up to WV for some relaxing and quiet alone time. It was really nice. We spent Saturday and Monday golfing…we only played twelve holes on Saturday before the thunderstorm rolled in, so we took a rain check and went back to finish up and play nine more Monday. (Nine is about when I start to get tired anyhow…)

All in all, it was nice to get away and spend some time remembering what it is you love about someone so much. The only thing missing from our special weekend was eating our cake. We forgot to pull it from the freezer on Friday, so even though it was out last night for a few hours, it was still frozen. I’m excited to eat it tonight (and maybe smash some in Matt’s face?!)

I still can’t believe it’s already been a year since our big day!

A year can change a lot of things…As I’m sure you already know, Matt and I are expecting! I’ve made the news public knowledge now, so I think it’s time it was officially on the blog. We found out in late June that there was a new addition to the Brown family on the way, and right now, the big day is March 5.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

18 Holes

Matt and I recently decided to take up golf, and I have to say I love it! Now don’t get the wrong idea, I’m no Tiger Woods. In fact, I would actually say I’m pretty bad at the game; but that’s OK, I don’t care. Sometimes I can hit the ball pretty straight and far, other times I hit the ball and it bounces off the tree in front of me and rolls further away from the hole then when I started… but either way, there is something about golf that I just really enjoy!

Matt and I both decided to learn to play together, and I have to say it’s been a lot of fun for us. We even recently played a round with ‘the dad’s’ which was a good time! I love that we can go out in the evenings, or on a Saturday and just spend time together, doing something fun. I also really like that golf forces me to focus on the game, and takes my mind off the other stressors in my life. You can’t worry about dirty laundry when you are swinging the golf club.

Oh, and did I mention that I had to buy new golf clothes, shoes and a bag? Drats! ( I bought some used clubs from a family friend to save money just in case we didn’t stick with it, but I love those too!)

Here are a couple pictures from our recent golf adventures…

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Welcome Baby Joshua!

I’ve been holding off on writing a post about Megan and her new bundle of joy, since Baby Joshua decided to arrive earlier than planned. But now that everyone is doing great, I thought it was about time I did a post on my best friend, and her beautiful new baby! Joshua Raymond Holston arrived 2 weeks and 1 day ago, and he couldn’t be cuter!

Megan and Joshua (and Ray!) had a little bit of a rough time, but it seems like Joshua is thriving, Megan is back to her old self and Ray can finally take a breath!

I’m so excited for them, and I love being Auntie Erin B. I got to hold Joshua for the first time over the weekend, he is so precious, I just didn’t want to let him go!

The newest little man in my life!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Denmarkian Chick is Coming!

When Christine booked her flight to come to the US for a month this summer, it seemed so far away. Now she will be here in less than ten days, I can hardly contain myself!

This photo was taken of us the summer after we graduated from college. SO much has changed since then, it’s like we’re hardly even the same people anymore.

I moved from the ‘oh -so-fabulous’ Federal Hill down to SoMD, got a dog, bought a house, started two new jobs (three if you count that sketchy mortgage company that never made it onto my resume) and got married.

Christine moved to Denmark, started her graduate degree, met a cute blonde boy, moved into a larger apartment and had baby Oscar.

Oh, and I’m pretty sure we both look much different than in this photo. I for one, now have blonde hair again. Looking back, not sure why I ever thought it was a good idea to dye it dark…guess my mom was right on that one.

See, I just summed up three years into three sentences!

It’s amazing how much can happen in just three short years. Can’t wait to see what fun things this summer will bring!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ocean City & Eric Church

I had every intention of updating after my trip to OC two weeks ago, but somehow I found myself extremely under the weather (as in 2 weeks and 2 doctor visits later I’m still only back to about 75%).

So, Ocean City. Hope, Shelly and I headed to Ocean City for some Memorial Day fun. The drive down Sunday morning was fine and we made great time. We checked into our hotel without any big issues (if exclude the fact that we had to request another room b/c our first room had the distinct smell of illegal activities…) The beach on Sunday was great. We had perfect weather and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon laying in the sun. Sunday night however, was a disaster. We started out at Fishtales, which was great. That was until the bar started getting really crowded and they had to take our stools away. We decided that was our cue to leave, so we headed down to MR Ducks. Shelly had never done a ‘chug-a-duck’ before, so we couldn’t possibly let her leave w/o doing it. I’m not sure she loved it quite as much as Hope and I thought, but hey, now she can say she’s done it! From there we attempted to take the bus up to Seacrets. What a disaster. The bus was jam packed with high school seniors. Apparently senior week is early this year….like an hour and a half later we finally arrived at Seacrets to find a line with about 500 people in it. I’ve never seen a line like that at any bar, ever. By this point it was about 12am and we decided to call it a night. It only took us another 45 minutes on the bus to get to our hotel. We had enough of over crowded OC, so we left around 12 noon and I pulled into my driveway at 6pm. I don’t think I’ll be doing an OC trip on a holiday again anytime soon!

Matt and I went to see Eric Church last Saturday night at St. Leonard Fire House. Although I was already sick, I had bought the tickets a long time ago, and I love Eric Church, so we decided to go anyhow. Not sure it was the best idea (especially considering I got progressively sicker for the next 4 days after the concert) but despite all, it was still a lot of fun! I really loved the venue. It was small, so “lawn seats” were still close enough to the stage that I could see everything. It wasn’t super crowded, and we parked just far enough away that we didn’t catch any traffic heading home. Eric Church put on a great show and it was a really run date night with my hubby! Can’t wait to go back and see Luke Bryan in a few weeks!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Marine Corps Half Marathon vs. Erin Brown

So, as promised, here is an update on my experience with the Marine Corps Half Marathon this weekend.

Diane and Me before our races! - Notice the super cool headbands!
The race started bright and early – and I mean really early. We stayed in hotel very close to the starting line, and at 4:45am the music started blasting. (If I were just a normal hotel guest, I would have been angry!!) Since we were running, it wasn’t too big of a deal. The race started off right on time at 7am. It was extremely well organized, and I was over the starting line in about 5 minutes. I was in corral group time 2:30-3:00, so I was pretty far back. It was impressive how organized the event was. I was doing great until about mile nine. I wasn’t overly winded, even tho the course was challenging with lots of hills, and I was actually thinking I might beat my PR, which is 2:34. That was, until I stopped for a bathroom break…surprise surprise (ha, not!). Not exactly sure what happened, but once I stopped and restarted I got really bad cramps right above my knees. This is something I’ve never experienced before, so I didn’t really know how to handle it. I continued a run/walk combo for the rest of the race. Basically I would run until my legs started to buckle, stretch for a minute to two, walk it off and then try and run again. As you can imagine, beating my PR went out the window. In fact, I was happy I was even able to finish it (for a while it wasn’t looking good)… Matt and Diane were waiting at the end cheering for me, even tho I was moving really slow, so it ended on a positive note!
All in all I was a little disappointed with myself. I’ve been training a lot and was hoping to do better. But that’s OK, next time I will do some alternate training for hills and I will make sure to stretch the muscles I must not have this time.

Like I said before, the race was extremely well put together. I think we all had a really great time, even if beating PR’s didn’t happen. I would absolutely recommend this race, but be sure to train for hills!

Marine Corps Half – 1
Erin – 0

Next year, watch out!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Busy…(Such a bad excuse!)

I haven’t really blogged much recently (as you can see).  The only excuse I have, and it’s a poor one at that, is that I’ve been pretty busy. Back up to April…

Matt and I went to Mexico for vacation.  We stayed at a very beautiful, all-inclusive, resort.  The resort was very nice and relaxing. Lots of time to sit and enjoy the beautiful sun, ocean and the nice poolside.  If you know Matt Brown – that’s like his worst nightmare come true, lot’s of time to sunburn.  My bad.  For some reason I was thinking an all inclusive resort would be full of activities, like a cruise. Not really.  So, we made our own activities.  We made it a point to do something off the resort everyday.  We did a scuba class (refresher for me and beginner scuba for Matt) which was a lot of fun.  So much fun actually, that we decided to go back for a second dive on another day! I’m so excited Matt loves diving as much as I do, it is such an amazing experience. This trip we saw a sea turtle and a sting ray – Now he just needs to get certified! We also did some beginner golf lessons.  My dad has been egging me to play golf for a number of years now, and since we had some resort credits to use up, we decided to give it a shot.  We had a ton of fun with that too, and we have since started playing golf together. (That’s been keeping me busy as well)  Because we were visiting Playa del Carmen, it was a must to see the Mayan Ruins.  They were very nice and the trip was very informative.  All in all the vacation was very nice.  Matt managed to stay out of the sun (and use about 80spf sunscreen) so we left with no sunburns.  I think it was just a little too slow for us tho.  Clearly we both have the attention span of an eight-year-old, so next time I will plan a little better.

Other than that, April was pretty uneventful – there goes my excuse about not having time to blog…Once we came back from vacation, we moved right into the May wedding festivities for Tasha and Ryan.  The Bachelorette party was tons of fun.  I mean come on, you can’t go wrong with a bus full of girls, a clothesline of lingerie and tacky light up accessories! The Bachelorette weekend was immediately followed by the wedding weekend.  Their wedding was absolutely beautiful, and I think everyone had a good time from start to finish.  I think I may have had just a little too much fun… whoops! I’m actually a little sad it’s all over.  I made some great new friends...and I think Matt did too!

It’s amazing how quickly weekends fill up in the Summertime. (ahhh I how I love Summer!)  This weekend I’m running the Marine Corps half marathon in Fredericksburg.  I’m pretty nervous tho, as I’ve heard it has a killer hill at the end and I’ve managed to hurt my ankle.  Hopefully I’ve trained enough that I can make it. Then comes Memorial Day weekend.  As of yesterday, my plans to spend a quiet relaxing weekend at home have been changed.  The girls (Me, Shelly & Hope) are headed to OC - I just can’t get enough of the beach! Then the following weekend, Megan, Matt and I are going to see Eric Church!

So now that I’ve outlined the past month and next few weeks of my life, I should have some more content for my blog…no excuses not to follow up on the half marathon, OC weekend and concert, right?!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Need Inspiration

I’ve found myself recently lacking ideas for things to blog about. Not that anyone really reads my blog anyhow, but still…I said I was going to try and write at least one post a week, and clearly, that has not happened.

So, for lack of better things to share, here’s what’s new.

I completed my first half marathon. (You probably already know that if you’re reading this tho, since I couldn’t stop talking about it all last week!) It was a great experience. I had some serious doubts about my ability to run the entire thing, so it felt great to actually do it. And there are some really funny photos of me running. Maybe I’m not as graceful as I thought. Regardless of my bad form, I’m now sporting a new 13.1 bumper sticker. It’s pink, as per usual. Next half marathon is in May. Maybe my goal can be to beat my previous time, rather than just crossing the finish line!

Matt and I are headed to Mexico soon. I know we just went on our honeymoon, but we have lots of plans this summer so we decided to go on vacation sooner, than later. Plus, after the outage (sort of the equivalent to a security audit) at the Power Plant, I know Matt has got to be ready to get away. Personally, I’m really looking forward to some scuba diving!! Matt is even going to take a beginner course. I hope he likes it as much as me!

Over the past weekend, Matt and I spent some time fixing up the front yard. If you’ve been to my house, you know that all the lawns look dead on our street. There is continuous sunlight on the front side of my house, so keeping anything alive (including the tree) has proven rather difficult. We specifically asked the woman at a local nursery for plants that will be able to survive the intense sun (and the black –not green-- thumb I inherited from my mom). Right now, the yard looks good, and I actually really enjoyed gardening…hopefully the plants and my enjoyment makes it through the summer.

On another note, Matt is about to tackle crown molding. I’m SO excited. I think it is really going to take our house up a notch. With a little help from his dad and uncle, we’re hoping it goes smoothly…. If all goes well, maybe we can demolish our problematic bathroom and put in a giant rain shower?! (That might be overly optimistic wishful thinking.)

Other exciting news…all worthy of exclamation points…

Christine is coming soon! (I get to meet Oscar!)
Megan is going to have a baby!
Tasha is getting married!
Shelly got a cool new job!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Everyone loves Funfetti cake! (If you don’t, then just stop reading because FunFetti cake is pretty much the best.) I recently discovered Funfetti Oreos, which I thought were pretty fantastic as well. I did have a few differing opinions on them, but since this is my blog, and I thought they were fantastic, I’m going with it.

However, if you haven’t tried real Funfetti cookies, you’re really missing out. I feel like these cookies are little hidden gem. So if you haven’t had them, you should treat yourself and try them! They are super tasty and the recipe is right on the side of the cake mix box.

Pillsbury had this great photo, so I decided to add it in so you could see how yummy they look!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Best Dad, Ever!

It’s funny how the minute I set foot in my parent’s house, I revert back to my teenage self. Somehow, my ability to pick up after myself disappears, I need someone to make food for me and I expect someone to be waiting up for me when I come in at night. After a weekend at my parents, it amazes me that I can still function as an adult in “real life.”

I was already planning to head up to my parents house this weekend (I do that a lot when Matt works nights) so when I found myself needing help making a bean bag toss for a work event, I knew exactly who to ask for help. After a quick briefing on what I needed to be done, dad and I headed up to the Home Depot to get the supplies we (I use the term loosely, since he did most of the work) needed to do my new project.

Being that my dad is really good woodwork projects, I knew this simple project would be a breeze for him. Only took him a few hours to put together this nifty children’s game. I must say, he did a great job!

Dad putting together the game :)
He sent me home to do the painting myself…hopefully after a few more coats it will look really good!
I'm not the best painter... haha

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lacing Up…Let the Countdown Begin!

So, if you don’t already know…I’ve signed up to run a half marathon this spring!  I’m really excited to be training for a longer, more intense race, but honestly it’s hard to stay motivated this time of year.  During the fall it was easy to go out and run.  Coming out of the humid summer months, going out for a 4 mile run was no big deal.  The days were still fairly long and the weather was beautiful.  Now that we’re in the middle of winter (and yes, I know it hasn’t been too bad) I am really finding it hard to go out and run more than a mile or two.  Maybe on a weekend I can force myself to go out and run further, but after work, it’s just not happening.  I have found myself really procrastinating those long runs…it’s ok, I can get to it next week.  But here I am, less than 2 months out, and I’m totally not ready!!  I know I still have time, but it’s becoming a little nerve racking!
The race is on St. Patty’s day (the most awesome fun holiday ever!) so I think it’s time to start a double count down. 
Regardless of how I do at the race… only 43 days until it’s time for a Green Beer!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello of Shame

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has decided they didn’t like someone (pretty much for no reason) and then realized some time down the road that maybe their initial judgment was off base.  I find myself in that situation.  A few years ago I decided I didn’t like someone, and although at the time all of my feelings seemed perfectly justified, now I just feel silly.  The worst part? She actually seems really nice…
So I find myself in that awkward situation, where I have to introduce myself to someone (who is very aware of how I feel about her) and basically apologize for being rude and obnoxious for the past several years for no apparent reason.  I keep asking myself is this is just another fun part of being an adult, you know, fixing mistakes you made when you were younger…but I have a feeling (especially with my personality) that I should just try and learn from the situation and remember it next time I  jump to conclusions about someone I don’t even know.
So here’s what I’m thinking “Hi, I’m Erin. I’m not sure we ever actually met, but I wanted to apologize for being a total B for the past few years…”  I can’t imagine this is going to be fun, haha.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

One More Wedding!

How could I forget?! There is another very special wedding this year! My long time friend, Kate is marrying her boyfriend (now fiancé) Marshall! Kate is an amazing photographer and a really creative individual, I'm so excited to see the photos of her big day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 – Exciting Things are Coming!

It’s funny how life changes so quickly.  It seems like just yesterday we were all graduating from high school, and now look how much has changed.  2012 is just starting but somehow I’m already so excited for all of the fantastic things that are coming this year!  It’s only January, and already I know three people who are getting married (or at least got engaged!) in 2012.  One of my very special girl friends, Tasha, is getting married to my college friend Ryan.  I’m so excited to be  bridesmaid in their wedding!  Matt’s friend Mike is marrying his perfect match, Kelly and Matt’s other great friend Chad, just proposed to his beautiful girlfriend, Becca.  Now, you might say I’m a sap for love, but my goodness all this happiness just makes me giddy! I can’t wait to celebrate with all my friends! Oh…and if you know the song… “first comes love, then comes marriage….” I can imagine that at least someone will have a baby in 2012. I mean 2011 had three new babies, so I’m sure 2012 will have at least one too. (For the record, I’m not preggers!)